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Carbondale Halloween

Carbondale and Halloween go together like peanut butter and jelly. There is a long and complicated history with Carbondale Halloweens. Way back when, thousands of people would flock to the city to celebrate the holiday. At some point, it all got out of hand. When the city decided to revive Halloween in Carbondale, SAL was brought in to help fight the negative stigmas and resurrect Carbondale Halloween as a great celebration once again.

the announcement

In 2018 it had been over a decade since the city had officially celebrated Halloween. So its return deserved a bit of attention! We have been working with them every year ever since.

Facebook post for the City of Carbondale's 2018 Halloween celebration.

Reaching Students

We understand students because we are students. We know that college students are on a strict budget, so we inspired them to get creative by sharing their Costumes on a Budget. 

Reaching Families

The Halloween weekend was refashioned into something much more family friendly than it had ever been in the past. We made sure to promote the new additions on the city social pages to get the word out.

Reaching Alumni

Not only was it important to reach the resident families and students, we also wanted to encourage SIU Alumni to return to Carbondale to relive their glory days in the spookiest of fashions. 

Carbondale 2023 VIdeo


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